Hi, thanks for taking time to have a browse of my art work. Recently I have been taking trips outdoors and painting 'plein air' as the term goes. It has been really encouraging and fun to paint in the outdoors, and I have found it really reflective and moving to be surrounded by the subject I am trying to paint. Just a few days ago as I was painting away, a fox casually strolls past my hide out underneath a tree , not noticing my presence there. Not seen a fox in broad daylight strolling across a field in a long time, and this seem to capture the moment of what I was aiming for. The sponteunous events of nature and its freshness and lively on going processes , breaking down and re generating, living and breathing, not caring - just being. In a word, being outdoors and painting has been class. A good class room to be in and learn from. Hope you enjoy my work.
Really like this one Stepth - it's got a freedom about it in the painting style.